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Few Facts About Hemorrhoids

Treatment In Boca Raton

If you have proper knowledge about Hemorrhoids in Boca Raton, you will be able to know the right time to visit a doctor and get it treated before it becomes acute causing excruciating pains. Hemorrhoids are those enlarged and swollen blood vessels that are usually located in the lower part of your rectum and the anus. When you have to exert extra pressure while defecating on a regular basis, these blood vessels become swollen. This may cause pain in the lower abdomen region and the degree of pain will vary, according to the severity of the hemorrhoids. Sometimes, acute cases may result in bleeding from anus as well.

Some Potential Causes

There are a few specific causes for Hemorrhoids in Boca Raton that includes straining too much during the time of bowel movement due to profuse diarrhea or constipation. Hemorrhoids may also develop during pregnancy, if you are suffering from obesity and also if you sit in the toilet for a long period of time on a daily basis. It may be the cause of rectal and correctional cancer and even if you have anal intercourse. Experts also say that a patient suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or IBD or other diseases like ulceration colitis and Crohn's disease may develop hemorrhoids as well.

Type of Hemorrhoids

Ideally, there are two specific Hemorrhoids types in Boca Raton, one is internal hemorrhoids and the other is external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are usually located inside the lining of your rectum. These types of hemorrhoids cannot be felt easily until and unless it prolapses and pushes through your anus opening. It will cause an itching sensation and pain when such a situation arises. On the other hand external hemorrhoids are those that are found under the skin of the exterior of your anus. There may also be a thromboses external hemorrhoid that occurs when blood clots within the vessels causing swelling and significant pain.

About The Diagnosis

External and internal Hemorrhoids in Boca Raton is diagnosed by different physical exams. The doctor may also ask about your medical history to adjudge the situation. Ideally a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopyis done to look inside your colon for signs of hemorrhoids and other causes of blood coming out with your stool.Even if there is a fullness or mass in your anal opening colonoscopy may be ordered by your doctor. These tests are also the sure proof of any existence of cancerous cells in the inside of your colon, right or left.

Several Treatments Available

There are different treatments available to cure hemorrhoids that include effective and natural home remedies, over the counter medicines like creams and stool softeners or suppositories. Minor hemorrhoids may also be cured with changes in the diet, exercises and Sitz baths. For acute cases surgeries might be required to treat hemorrhoids. All you have to do is to keep your stool soft and firm by eating a balanced diet rich with fibers and by drinking lots of water and fluids. This will result in faster, easier and more effective passage of bowel and its excretion. For more information visit Our Website